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AI's Laziness: ChatGPT4 and its Complex Issues

OpenAI flags ChatGPT 4's 'laziness,' hinting at delays in the anticipated AI future. Insights on AI evolution and its complexities

Open AI: Chatgpt 4
Open AI: Chatgpt 4

Is ChatGPT slowly humanizing itself? Is being lazy the first step of the transition towards being human?  Well, that hampers a lot of areas. Moreover, it likely opens a path to competitors, including Google's Bard. Meanwhile, OpenAI recently acknowledged that its ChatGPT 4 model has exhibited signs of "laziness." This revelation has sparked discussions about the pace and trajectory of AI development. 

In this context, ' lazy' refers to a decrease in the model's responsiveness and efficiency. Notably, OpenAI has not updated ChatGPT 4 since November 11, and this stagnation in updates may contribute to the observed behavior. 

The phenomenon has raised concerns and prompted investigations by OpenAI as they seek to understand and address these issues. Besides, this development indicates that the path to more advanced AI might be more complex and prolonged than initially anticipated. Also, it suggests a need for ongoing refinement and improvement in AI models.

Why is ChatGPT 4 getting lazy?

Recent user observations and confirmation from OpenAI indicate that the ChatGPT 4 model has shown signs of "laziness." This phenomenon involves the AI struggling to complete queries to users' satisfaction, leading to reports of it refusing specific tasks or providing less effective responses.

While the exact reasons behind this change are unclear, it could be linked to several factors, including operational bugs, limitations in the AI's learning algorithms, or challenges in managing a high volume of user interactions, especially during peak operating hours. 

The decline in performance has been noted by users and acknowledged by OpenAI, raising questions about the current limitations and future development of AI language models.

Furthermore, the characterization of an AI as "lazy" reflects user experiences where the responses from ChatGPT 4 seem less detailed, comprehensive, or relevant than expected. The issue might stem from the balance AI models must strike between providing safe, non-offensive content and maintaining high engagement and complexity in responses. 

As AI models like ChatGPT 4 evolve, addressing these challenges will ensure they meet user expectations and deliver consistent, high-quality interactions.

How is Open AI dealing with its laziness?

AI bot being Lazy
Lazy AI Bot

OpenAI, acknowledging the "laziness" observed in ChatGPT 4, appears to be actively addressing the issue. However, the available sources still need to detail specific strategies or solutions. This "laziness" refers to a decline in the model's responsiveness and effectiveness in handling queries.

  • OpenAI's response reflects acknowledgment and signals an ongoing investigation into ChatGPT 4's issues.
  • Potential causes range from technical glitches to limitations within the model's learning algorithms.
  • The company's history of consistent model updates implies active efforts to enhance performance.
  • Highlights complexities in developing advanced AI: balancing safety, responsiveness, and content detail.
  • It emphasizes the importance of continuous AI monitoring, assessment, and refinement.
  • It indicates the evolving integration of AI models into diverse applications and industries.

How has laziness affected the users?

Human and AI interaction
Human and AI interaction

The perceived "laziness" of ChatGPT-4 has generated diverse reactions and impacts across various sectors:

  • Legal Sector: Lawyers, particularly those in transactional practices, might experience a push towards greater diligence and innovation in their work. ChatGPT's capabilities expose the gap between the dynamic and the lazy, urging legal professionals to adapt and evolve in their approach to stay competitive and efficient.
  • Technological Development: OpenAI's acknowledgment of ChatGPT -4's "laziness" signals a potential slowdown in the advancement of AI technologies. This affects stakeholders relying on the rapid development of AI for various applications including 3D modeling, possibly leading to recalibrated expectations and timelines.
  • Software Engineering: For software engineers, the change in ChatGPT -4's performance may instigate concerns about job security and the evolving nature of their roles. As AI becomes more integral to software development, engineers may need to adapt their skills to stay relevant and practical.
  • Quality of Responses: Users of ChatGPT-4, especially those relying on it for in-depth analysis or code generation, may find the decreased performance affects their work or learning processes. This could shift how these tools are used, necessitating more human oversight or alternative solutions.
  • Educational Sector: The impact on the educational landscape is mixed. While ChatGPT offers productivity and convenience, a decrease in its performance could affect these benefits. Educators and students must adjust how AI integrates learning and teaching methodologies.

What actions has Open AI implemented to fix the issue?

The OpenAI community highlighted a perceived "laziness" in the ChatGPT model, particularly in its reluctance to generate lengthy responses or code and occasionally leaving placeholder text for users to complete. This characterization of "laziness" seems to stem from the model's limitations in handling extensive inputs or outputs, possibly due to token limits or design choices to optimize performance. 

While some users express frustration, suggesting the AI is not meeting their expectations, others argue that the model functions as intended within its operational constraints. The debate underscores the ongoing challenges in AI development, particularly in balancing user expectations with technical limitations and the continuous evolution of AI capabilities.


The assessment that ChatGPT 4 has become 'lazy' signifies a complex reality in AI development. It hints at the challenges of achieving consistent progress and highlights the intricacies involved in the evolution of artificial intelligence. This observation underscores the need for continued research, innovation, and a deeper understanding of AI's capabilities and limitations. 

While it might suggest a slower pace in the arrival of a fully realized AI future, it also emphasizes the importance of addressing underlying issues to ensure responsible and practical advancements in the field.


Has ChatGPT-4 slowed down?

Yes, there have been user reports and acknowledgments from OpenAI indicating a perceived decrease in ChatGPT -4's performance, termed as 'laziness' or degradation in quality over time.

How is Open AI dealing with ChatGPT -4's laziness?

OpenAI is actively working to improve GPT-4's performance, acknowledging and addressing the reported 'laziness' through ongoing model adjustments and updates.

How has laziness affected the stakeholders?

ChatGPT -4's perceived laziness has hindered productivity and innovation in sectors like banking and hospitality and raised concerns about AI's impact on human decision-making and privacy.

Samrat Shrestha profile image Samrat Shrestha
A 3D enthusiast, I explore technology and craft ideas out of it—a true believer in developing content that provides smart and business-oriented solutions.